

Application letter is a letter that written by someone to a company for applying for a job. Application letter atleast must contain this several point : -          Intoduction Paragraph Ø Personal details Ø Mention the job/position that will be applied -          Highlighting/ Body paragraph Ø Education,skills, experience that related to the position that we’re applying for -          Closing Ø Complimentary Close Ø Signature My application letter :  - JOB VACANCY    ( from the internet ) - Application Letter  Tuesday, August 19th  2021 Irma Fatmawati Human Resource Manager Aston Rasuna Jakarta Hotel H.R Rasuna Said St.81, Central Jakarta   Dear Ms. Irma,   Having heard from the internet , a job vacancy in Secretary position, herewith I am seeking a responsible position in aforementioned position in which I may use my education background, experience and capability.   Enclosed, you may find my Curriculum Vitae, in which you may find brief in

How to Achieve Your Goals

  Setting goals is important. It help us trigger new behaviors,helps guides your focus and helps you sustain that momentum in life. This video give you some steps to help you achieve your goals! Happy watching!<333 NOTES :  there’s a mistake on that video (1:01) it should be “ mentally and physically” NOT “mentally and easily”  thankyou☺️
  “ Nicos Weg” ( Deutsch lernen A1 )  Review by Keysha Fattana.   “ Nicos Weg” is an educational movie for people who are interested in learning Germany like me. Yes, I am really interested in learning many language. My goal are to be able to speak in various language. Korean, Germany, French, and of course English are the most language that I want to learn for. I am very grateful because right now I am one of student in SMAN 3 Bandung which is I can learn Germany. At first, I was nervous and afraid to learn this language because I haven’t heard anything about Germany before. But as time goes by, I become love this classes. It turns out that learning German is fun. My Germany teacher is an engaging, very kind person and a patient woman who never mocks me and my friend’s skill at German. She is a very kind hearted and that’s one of the reasons I’m excited about learning German.   My Germany teacher put me onto this educational video series called Nicos weg. As I say, this movie is v
 MY GOAL MY AMBITION  What I want to be in the future Since I was a little I always admire my grandfather, he is a doctor, a digestive surgeon precisely. He helps many patients with his skill and talent.  He cures people through the surgery and the medicine. My grandfather said not every surgery was easy to undergo, but with knowledge and accuracy everything can be passed. Ever since, I have a goal that one day I want to be a doctor. Right now I’m still in 11 th grade high school and taking science class in order to earn many lesson and knowledge to fulfill my goal become a doctor. I learn biology, physics, chemistry and math. I also try my best to have a good score in all lesson subjects with expectation that I can have an opportunity to study in Medical Faculty in the best State University. Why I want to be a doctor? Because I can help sick people. My happiness is when I spread happiness for others, including when I have a chance to cure sick people. For me to be a doctor is

Dialog about suggestion and Offer

Topic : Recruitment new members of extra curricular program   Qilla and Kenzie are new students in SMAN 3 Bandung. They have done the orientation day and they’re searching for an extracurricular that suits them. Qilla : Hai Kenzie, How was your orientation day? Mine was wonderful. The senior are very kind and I like how they treat us as a new students in here. Kenzie : Yes, I think my orientation day was great too. I can’t wait to start studying in here. By the way, I heard there’s a lot of interesting extracurricular, have you chosen one? Qilla : hmm actually I don’t know yet. Can you recommend something for me? I like to play musical instrument. Kenzie : How about Musik klasik tiga? a lot of people said, that extracurricular is great and the members are very talented. I think you should join that extracurricular. Qilla : That’s sounds good. Then, what should I do if I want to join? Kenzie :I suggest you to contact one of the Musik klasik tiga member. Here the list of