“ Nicos Weg” ( Deutsch lernen A1 )

 Review by Keysha Fattana.

 “ Nicos Weg” is an educational movie for people who are interested in learning Germany like me. Yes, I am really interested in learning many language. My goal are to be able to speak in various language. Korean, Germany, French, and of course English are the most language that I want to learn for. I am very grateful because right now I am one of student in SMAN 3 Bandung which is I can learn Germany. At first, I was nervous and afraid to learn this language because I haven’t heard anything about Germany before. But as time goes by, I become love this classes. It turns out that learning German is fun. My Germany teacher is an engaging, very kind person and a patient woman who never mocks me and my friend’s skill at German. She is a very kind hearted and that’s one of the reasons I’m excited about learning German.

 My Germany teacher put me onto this educational video series called Nicos weg. As I say, this movie is very useful and educational for people who are studying German especially for the beginners. This story is shows us about the culture, daily conversation, and the people in German. The duration of this movie is one hour and fourty minutes long.

The main character in this movie is Nico. Nico Gonzales, who travelled to German. He is from Spain. He travelled to Germany in order to avoid his parents. He want to find his aunt in Germany.

 It started when he arrived at the airport. He has some bad luck with his suitcase. Unfortunately, Nico’s bag was accidentally loaded into a taxi and driven away. His bag is lost!! Which is contain his passport, his phone and his aunt’s address. Now, he couln’t do anything. To make matters worse, Nico speaks little German. But luckily, he meet Lisa, a young German languange teacher and a little girl named Emma who want to help him. Then, Lisa immediately invites him to live at her shared apartment. In the apartment, Nico was introduced to some of Lisa’s Friends. Lisa’s friends are nice to him. They help Nico to get his bag back and find his aunt. Besides that, Lisa’s friends are a friendly. They’re know that Nico is not good at German, so they teach him how to speak German properly. Such as, how to introduce him self “ Ich heißt Nico” which means My Name is Nico, they also teach nico many vocabularies.

Beside Lisa’s friends, he also got help from Lisa’s Father. Lisa’s father is a policeman. He helped Nico by searching the information about Nico’s Aunt. Nico’s Journey finding his aunt was so long. He had a lot of new experience while he tried to find his aunt and his lost bag. Such as, he met many kind Germany people, learnt many things about German, take care of Lisa’s niece, playing football with his new friends, even though he need to be hospitalized.

His story end when Lisa’s father tell him that he found a bike shop. The owner of that bike shop is Yara Gonzales which is his aunt. Nico and Lisa went to that bike shop and expecting they’d see Nico’s aunt. Unfortunately, his aunt is not there. Nico’s aunt is missing to nowhere.

But in the following day, Nico is came back to that store and finally, he met his aunt. His aunt has already come back.


In my opinion, the movie is great. The story is not making us bored. It’s very interesting for people who is learning Germany like us. After watching this movie, my German is improving rapidly. From this movie I’m able to understand more about Germany.. For examples, how to introduce my self. “ Ich heiße Keysha which is means My Name is Keysha. How to greet people ( e.g. Guten Morgen, Guten Tag, Guten Abend ). From the movie I also learn how to say “excuse me” in German ( Entschuldigung ), how to order pizza, how to ask the time ( wie spat ist es ) , how to inform the time and many more.

Besides the German cultures and language, this movie is also showing us its beauty of German. 

Actually, at first I am really lazy to  watch this movie because the duration is so long, and its substitle is only available in Germany that made me had to open the dictionary all the time. But when I started watch it, it’s turn out that I really like this movie. The language that been used was very easy to understand and the story is very unique. The point is, I learn so much things about Deutschland from this movie.


I think that’s all from me. I hope you will enjoy this movie lik I did!

Vielen dank!<333


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