Dialog about suggestion and Offer

Topic : Recruitment new members of extra curricular program


Qilla and Kenzie are new students in SMAN 3 Bandung. They have done the orientation day and they’re searching for an extracurricular that suits them.

Qilla : Hai Kenzie, How was your orientation day? Mine was wonderful. The senior are very kind and I like how they treat us as a new students in here.

Kenzie : Yes, I think my orientation day was great too. I can’t wait to start studying in here. By the way, I heard there’s a lot of interesting extracurricular, have you chosen one?

Qilla : hmm actually I don’t know yet. Can you recommend something for me? I like to play musical instrument.

Kenzie : How about Musik klasik tiga? a lot of people said, that extracurricular is great and the members are very talented. I think you should join that extracurricular.

Qilla : That’s sounds good. Then, what should I do if I want to join?

Kenzie :I suggest you to contact one of the Musik klasik tiga member. Here the list of Musik klasik tiga members, you can contact one of them or just meet them right away.

Qilla : Okay, thank you Kenzie.

The next day, Qilla meets the senior members of Musik Klasik tiga.

Qilla : Excuse me, are you Tessa one of senior member Musik klasik tiga?

Tessa : Yes I am. Can I help you?

Qilla : ooouh first, let me introduce myself, I’m Qilla. I’m a new student here. Can I ask you about Musik klasik 3?

Tessa : Hi Qilla. Sure, it’s my pleasure.

Qilla : thank you, I think I’m interested in joining musik klasik tiga. Are there any conditions to join this extracurricular?

Tessa : hmm, if you can play one of music instruments or you can sing, then you can join us.

Qilla : I can play piano but I’m not really good at it. Is that okay?

Tessa : It’s okay, you can learn how to improve your music skill here with us in musik klasik tiga.

Qilla : Wow so exciting! How can I join musik klasik tiga?

Tessa: It's easy, you can register yourself to musik klasik tiga. After that wait for us to contact you. There will be first meeting with all senior and new members to welcome all new members. It will be a very good time

Qilla : Okay, so I just have to register myself right? I can’t wait to be the one of musik klasik tiga member.

Tessa : Yes you’re right. Can’t wait to see u too as a new member of musik klasik tiga!






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